….The idea being that something in Nature is askew, in this case very small creatures (microbes) are responsible for disease and the woes of nature. If one could identify the causative critters and eliminate them, then disease and the woes of mankind could be solved. This myopic approach fails to recognize the grand scope of nature's intricate delicate balance. Yes there is an imbalance, there are pathogens present, but why and can you solve a problem by attacking the symptom? Have you noticed that the problem never really goes away, it merely gets bigger and more complex. Newer technology, newer drugs, more effective pesticides, herbicides etc. Man, through science, has set out to conquer and change the world, declaring omnipotence, but lacking omniscience. Unaware of the consequences, man has pioneered a dangerous path to a point of serious concern. Acting in harmony with natural processes is the answer.
Modern commercial farming practices introduce chemical fertilizers, which initially create tremendous production, but do so by over stimulating. It's a bit like giving steroids to an athlete. Great short term performance, but serious long term effects. Eventually pesticides are introduced to deal with increased plant susceptibility to insects, and fungicides to deal with the imbalance of the fungi/bacteria ratio created by the fertilizers and pesticides. Then comes the introduction of herbicides to deal with the mineral-
When the soil is stripped of microbial life and the available minerals are washed out; topsoil deteriorates and erosion from wind and rain become much greater problems. Plants missing essential elements produce "Empty Food" and are far more vulnerable to disease . It is widely recognized that most disease, if not all, is linked to the absence of one or more minerals/trace minerals. Fruits, vegetables and vegetation grown on depleted soil predisposes consumers, animals and humans alike, to illness and disease.
Technology to the Rescue
Because of lower production and spoilage challenges (disease susceptible empty food), chiefly economic factors, scientists have stepped in once again and offered GMO plants (Genetically Modified Organism). How will these GMOs with their bizarre DNA and freaky proteins effect the plant and animal kingdoms? Will this strange DNA transfer to other organisms in the usual way, infecting everything. Will the early reports of GMO induced allergies and related deaths become epidemic? How will this affect life in the soil? The planet? The overall repercussions of this quick-
Common sense tells us we have all of the elements of a growing catastrophe. If we are looking for more perfect food, longer shelf life, higher nutrition; drought, disease and pest resistance, why don't we balance with nature instead of declaring war-
Dr. M. Andrew Johnson