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Perfekt Earth is endorsed by the Replenished Earth Foundation and is a charter member of Perfekt Earth Institute.

Life on this planet is dependent on the complex interactive relationships between a vast variety of life forms that we commonly refer to as Nature. Nature operates after a pattern, which promotes all life.


Law of the Harvest

The Solution

A major shift in thought was introduced long ago regarding the role of man in nature.  It really took root with Louis Pasteur and contemporaries.  An idea or philosophy which, in many ways, has shaped the course of medicine, agriculture, and just about every area of health and science in modern times    



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Why "Perfekt Earth" and how does it work?

Perfekt Earth; offers you natures balance with specially selected, organic components containing natures full array of ionic minerals and trace minerals, 88 in all. These special nutrients come as a highly concentrated, proprietary solution, just dilute for the proper application and apply. Perfekt Earth promotes abundant microbial life in your soil. Fertile soil provides for healthy, prolific plant life.

How will Perfekt Earth help me?

Perfekt Earth not only restores availability of life-sustaining minerals, but also provides special organic components to further nourish the beneficial soil microbes responsible for maintaining the foundation of life on our planet. Highly concentrated Perfekt Earth is very economical and highly effective in supporting tremendous growth and productivity in your yard and garden.

Does Perfekt Earth work equally well in all soil types?

No, Perfekt Earth works with the existing conditions. If you already have excellent soil composition, watch things take right off. If you have poor soil i.e. clay or sterile soil, just mix/till in leaves, grass clippings, bark, sawdust, etc. along with Perfekt Earth, add water and watch the magic happen for you. Properly applied, it is the finishing touch for the avid organic gardener.

Is Perfekt Earth just for gardens?

You will see amazing results with trees, shrubs, flowers, and even grasses. Enliven your soil and watch it produce.

How long will it take to get results?

Results will vary based on growing season, temperature, presence of organic material, water and soil type. You typically see remarkable improvements with poor soil in just one growing season. Perfekt Earth + Excellent soil = Excellent Results. Perfekt Earth + Poor soil = Good Results and Richer Soil. You give the microbes and the plants what they need and nature does the magic! Many people report visable changes in days after application.

What is the N-P-K ratio?

Perfekt Earth is not a fertilizer as used by the chemical industry. It does make the soil more fertile for sure, but the methodology is quite different. Instead of infusing plants with growth enhancing levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, eventually stripping and devitalizing the soil, Perfekt Earth targets building the soil web, the unseen microbial life that is the support system for all life on this planet. The composition is a broad spectrum of minerals, the makeup found in sea water minus the sodium, plus natural sugars. Think of Perfekt Earth as a soil enhancer that feeds and nurtures not only plants with full spectrum ionic minerals, but additionally helps to unleash the power of the unseen life in the soil. Very little Nitrogen and Phosphorus and measurable amounts of Potassium due to sugar sources. Perfekt Earth is a natural energy infused soil enhancer. If your soil is poor use it along with fertilizer or use it alone and see some great results.

What is the dilution?

Super concentrated Perfekt Earth dilutes 50:1 when used in annual soil preparation for vegetables, vines, bushes, small trees and shrubs. One Gallon will cover approximately 4,000 square feet @50:1, 16,000 square feet @ 200:1, 64,000 square feet @ 800:1 etc..

A 200:1 dilution works well for an initial application where plants are already established. Booster applications can be used to enhance growth and production during the growing season at dilutions of 800:1 for application every two weeks or so and a dilution of 1600:1 if you wish to apply Perfekt Earth on a weekly basis. For annual application to large trees apply 1/2 cup @ a 12:1 dilution broadly around the trunk and canopy area, then water well . Obviously poor soil will require more organic material and more frequent applications of Perfekt Earth. With a little effort over time you will see a wonderful transformation.

How do I apply Perfekt Earth?

Sprinkle or spray Perfekt Earth on the soil before planting and/or tilling; Spray or sprinkle more diluted Perfekt Earth around roots of existing plants or infuse into drip systems. In very dilute solutions (800:1& 1,600:1), just spray or sprinkle the foliage.

How often do I apply Perfekt Earth?

Once per growing season in a 50:1 dilution or apply more frequently in more diluted form. It is always best to prepare the soil prior to planting, however, you can add Perfekt Earth in proper dilutions at any time for great results.

Will Perfekt Earth help to remove pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals?

Absolutely. Perfekt Earth enhances the microbial life and Nature designed the microbes to break down these and other complex organic compounds.

Does Perfekt Earth help with composting?

This is where you can really see Perfekt Earth do its work. Simply stir the Perfekt Earth concentrate into leaves, grass, sawdust, bark or other vegetation and watch the microbial action accelerate, turning your compost heap into mineral rich Super Compost. One-quart of Pefekt Earth will produce approximately 1 Cubic yard of Super Compost.

Can I expect an abundant harvest?

With proper application, you will see remarkable results with plant size, foliage and increased yields. Some producers have witnessed tripled increase with a single application. Temperature, water availability and other weather conditions are factors. This we know- Healthy plants produce abundantly.

Can Perfekt Earth improve health?

Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and a host of other diseases, too numerous to mention, are associated with nutritional deficiencies. Many people sense that commercial food, even field grown food, is not sufficient. Foods just don't taste the way they should, because commercial fertilizers and erosion have stripped the soil of essential nutrients. Seventy-five percent (75%) of Americans consume supplements. Perfekt Earth replenishes the soil with the perfekt balance allowing the produce to contain all of the minerals and nutrients necessary for the body to maintain good health. If the minerals and nutrients aren't available in the soil, they won't be found in the food.

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