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Life on this planet is dependent on the complex interactive relationships between the elements, and a vast variety of life forms that we commonly refer to as Nature. Nature operates after a pattern, which promotes all life. Disease and sickness occur when things are out of balance. If carried too far, death ultimately ensues. Man through science and technology has unwittingly charted a course which upsets the balance by trying to take from nature without putting back. We are beginning to witness the full effect of this reckless course. Modern farming practices have depleted and in many cases sterilized the soil. Instead of stripping life from the soil with commercial fertilizers for short term gains, doesn't it make more sense to continually build on natures efficient productive system? Doesn't it make more sense to promote life? We can work with Nature or we can ignore, or worse fight against her, and suffer. Nature like the laws of physics cannot be violated with impunity. There really is a law of the harvest that will always prevail.

Fundamental to all life are proteins. Besides being building blocks for what we physically see, special proteins called enzymes regulate and facilitate all life processes. Physical life, as we observe it, is a series of chemical reactions regulated and facilitated by these special proteins. Proteins are also the guardians that govern the Immune or Defense System. In short, proteins are necessary for building, regulating and maintaining all living organisms, as well as being key to producing the energy that makes it all work. Proteins are only active when the proper minerals are present to maintain their 3-dimensional shape. It is widely accepted that almost all disease is linked to the absence or imbalance of one or more vitamins and or minerals.

Because minerals play a key role in all biological systems, this should be a good place investigate when problems arise. Individually, we can supply our bodies with vitamins and minerals "hit and miss" by supplementation, or we can make sure that the foods we eat have the vitamins and minerals in them. When the proper balance of microbes, minerals, and other nutrients are balanced in the soil, plants animals and humans alike reap the benefits. By re-infusing the soil with a full spectrum of ionic (soluble/bio-available) minerals and trace minerals, along with other natural nutrient components, the support network is restored enabling the soil to build and once again become healthy and whole. As the microbes revive and build they will need organic material (grass clippings, leaves, etc.) if sufficient organic material is not present. You can only take, take, take so long, before there is nothing left. Remember the dust bowl in the Mid-West?

Nature's way is always the best solution: Give back to the Earth, restore and replenish. Highly concentrated Perfekt Earth contains natures perfect balance of full spectrum ionic minerals and trace minerals, organic concentrates and other natural ingredients specially formulated to give those life sustaining soil microbes a kick-start in a very natural way. Adding Perfekt Earth, organic material (sawdust, lawn clippings, leaves, etc), and adequate amounts of good water sets Natures marvelous productive forces in motion.

Perfekt Earth

When everything is present and in balance just watch Nature do the magic. Healthy plants grown in healthy mineral rich soil produce delicious fruits and vegetables containing all of the nutrients in proper balance. They not only taste better, they look better, store longer and best of all make you feel better. Perfekt Earth replenishes and helps to build the soil base, making things better and better with each successive growing season and application.

Perfekt Earth's formula facilitates the symphonic harmony in nature. As we replenish the earth with unavailable soluble minerals and restore the balance, our marvelous Mother Earth will bring forth her strength and return health and vigor to all who partake. The Earth will take on the beauty of a previous age. Rich soil teaming with life will produce greener grass, more iridescent flowers, more productive farms and gardens, abundant orchards and very fruitful vineyards.

Much is to be done and in deed, our very lives may depend on our best efforts. A shift in the way we look at nature and the way we approach her appears to be a big part of the solution. We must seriously look at what we view as food and how we produce and package it. It's really about seeing the cause and effect relationship between food, water, and health It's becoming aware of our precarious situation and what we can do about it. Could having a balanced mineral complement at the base of the food chain be the start of a solution to the present health care crisis? It is certainly a very logical place to start.

It is my vision to take Perfekt Earth wherever the soils have been depleted; wherever there is widespread hunger and disease, and wherever people wish to make the earth a better place to live. Here at home, our Gardens, even the roof top and balcony gardens, our Farms, Vineyards, and Orchards, can and should become the remedy for many of our ills. This is not a new concept, but rather an old one that has been forgotten. Hippocrates advised "Let Food be your Medicine". Health and true abundance for all is within our grasp. You can restore your garden or farm to this "Perfekt" harmony.

Dr. M. Andrew Johnson

The Solution